Student Loan Workshop

Student Loan Review Workshop!

All those with student loans (especially teachers!) should review their loan situation by the end of 2023!

The following videos will take you through the process to do just that!

There are still forgiveness opportunities, even after the Supreme Court case!

If you want to skip ahead and just get help, schedule a consultation today.

Get clear on all of the recent changes with student loans.

Understand the choices you still have and what actions to take.

Find out if you are eligible for loan forgiveness.

Learn what steps to take to optimize your loan situation.

Introduction of the Student Loan Review Workshop

Handout - Student Loan Organization and Review.

Student Loan Review Checklist.

What you need to know (and do) as the payment pause is ending.

A brief look at recent student loan history and rundown of changes in student loans that make it important to do a review of your situation.

Student loan basics - important context as you do your student loan review.

Income-Driven Repayment Plans

Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)

The one-time adjustment for income-driven repayment.

Should you file your taxes married filing separately to lower your student loan payment?